Monday 11 June 2007


Unknown said...

Awesome. We were talking about Christianiacykler yesterday, and how to make them swim ... What are you going to use for the roof? Shingles? Reeds? Brezeln?

birdbirder said...

Forget the roof! Lets work out the aquatic adaptation.

Unknown said...

I think the problem with making a Christianiacykel into a boat is to get the balance right. I am sure the box swims alright, but the rider would have trouble breathing under water ...

So either you need to equip the rider with a snorkle, or there needs to be a counterweight in front. A figurehead in the shape of a mermaid maybe?

birdbirder said...

use a sharpie to draw a couple gill slits on your neck, dive, dive, ride the bottom like a 4x4 .........I have the greatest image of a fish tail growing off the back wheel. The counter weight will be all the gold you'll salvage from the wrecks of ancient wetbike attempts. Ahhhh the open sea, blub blub